Gustenhover (17th century)

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Gustenhover (17th century)

A goldsmith who resided at Strasbourg, Germany, in 1603. In a period of much danger he gave shelter to one M. Hirschborgen, who was described as "good and religious." In return for the hospitality of his host, Hirschborgen gave Gustenhover some powder of projection and departed on his journey. Gustenhover indiscreetly used the powder to perform alchemical transmutation before many people, and news of this reached Rudolph II, himself an amateur alchemist. He ordered the Strasbourg magistrates to send the goldsmith to him. Gusten-hover was accordingly arrested.

On learning that he was to be sent to the emperor at Prague, Gustenhover requested that the magistrates meet after procuring a crucible and charcoal. Without coming near them, he had them melt some lead. When the lead was molten, he then gave them a small quantity of a reddish powder that, when thrown into the crucible, produced a considerable amount of pure gold from the lead. On being brought into the presence of the emperor, Gustenhover confessed that he had not himself prepared the magic powder and that, being but a beginning student of alchemy, was wholly ignorant of the nature of its composition. This the emperor refused to believe in spite of the repeated protests of the goldsmith.

After the powder was exhausted, Gustenhover was set to the now impossible task of making more gold. Still convinced that the alchemist was concealing his secret, the emperor had him imprisoned for the rest of his life.

It is believed that Hirschborgen, who presented Gustenhover with the powder, was none other than the alchemist Alexander Seton, who at that period was traveling through Germany in various disguises.

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