Father's House

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Father's House

The Father's House was a small organization that served for many years as a dissemination point for the teachings of the Universal Link, the original international organization spreading the New Age movement. It was founded by Ralph F. Raymond (d.1984) in the mid-1960s as the Universal Link Heart Center in Los Angeles. In 1968 Raymond made a tour of Universal Link centers in Europe and upon his return settled in San Jose, California. Under his religious name, Brother Francis, he published a booklet of his travels, now an important chronicle of the beginning of the New Age. He also began to issue the Father's House Journal, in which he reprinted selections, primarily channeled material, from many of the early New Age groups such as the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. Raymond believed in the coming Aquarian Age and saw himself as one facilitator assisting people into its reality. The Father's House ceased to exist soon after his death.


Brother Francis [Ralph F. Raymond]. The Universal Link Concept. Los Angeles: Universal Link Heart Center, 1968.

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