The Equinox

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The Equinox

Official organ of the AA, subtitled "The Review of Scientific Illuminism," originally published by magician Aleister Crowley beginning in March 1909. Each issue amounted to a book-length journal. It contained the official materials of the AA, articles and stories by Crowley, and book reviews. Crowley, who had recently left the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, published many of the secrets of his former colleagues. The ten issues of the first volume appeared biannually at the equinoxes, beginning in March 1909.

It appears that Crowley projected alternating five-year periods of publication and silence. The second volume was thus designated a volume of silence and was never published.

The issues of the third volume appeared sporadically, the first in March 1919. The third volume is usually designated the The "Blue" Equinox, as it was published with a blue cover. It followed the general format of the earlier volumes. The second issue made it to galley proofs, but was never published. The succeeding issues took the form of a series of occasional monographs. Number three did not appear until 1937. It includes a commentary on Crowley's major revelatory work, The Book of the Law. Number four appeared in 1938 under the title Eight Lectures on Yoga and number five as The Book of Thoth, Crowley's commentary on the tarot. The original edition of The Book of Thoth was limited to 200 signed and numbered copies.

Crowley died in 1947. His successor as outer head of the order, Karl Germer, saw to the publication of issue number six of the third volume, which appeared in 1962 as Liber Aleph. The last four issues were published by Grady McMurty ("Caliph Hymenaeus Beta"), who took charge of the order and revived it through the 1970s. The first three of these appeared as The Shih Yi (1971), the Tao Teh King (1975), and The Holy Books of Thelema (1983). A tenth issue, containing a variety of brief articles, appeared in 1986.

In 1975 the Society Ordo Templi Orientis, a rival organization headed by Marcelo Ramos Motta that for a while also claimed to be the official Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) headed by Crowley, began to issue a new series of The Equinox. Four issues of what was projected as volume five were published before legal action by McMurty and the OTO stopped further publication.


Crowley, Aleister. The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.

. Eight Lectures on Yoga. 1938. Reprint, Phoenix, Ariz.: Falcon Press, 1985.

The Equinox. 1, nos. 1-10. London, 1909-1913. Reprint, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1972.

The Equinox. 3, no. 1. Detroit: Universal Publishing, 1919. Reprint, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1972.

The Equinox. 5, nos. 10-4. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1975-1981.

The Equinox of the God. London: Ordo Templi Orientis, 1936.

Hymenaeus Beta, Caliph [Grady McMurtry]. "Introduction: Culture vs. Cult." Equinox 3, 10 (1986): 9-12.

. Tao Teh King. London: Askin Publishers; New York: Samuel Weiser, 1976.

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