Chapter 9: Making the Connection

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Making the Connection


From the Greek arkhi, meaning "chief or main" and pelagos meaning "sea." Any large body of water that contains a large number of scattered islands.


Any of a variety of natural substances, such as tar or asphalt, containing hydrocarbons derived from petroleum and used as a cement or mortar for surfacing roads.


From the Latin cubitum, meaning forearm or elbow. An ancient unit of length,

based on the distance from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow which approximated 17 to 22 inches.


Someone who worships the forces of nature as in the ancient Celtic religion. Can also refer to a priest in the Celtic religion.


From the Latin phrygium (opus), meaning work or craftmanship. A decorative architectural band, usually running along a wall, just below the ceiling, often sculpted with figurines or ornaments.


From the Latin fulcire, meaning "to prop up or support." The part of something that acts as its support.


Lines, designs, or symbols left in the earth, such as those in Egypt, Malta, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru with a mysterious, ancient, and puzzling origin.


A system of writing that uses pictures or symbols such as that in ancient Egypt.

Ice Age

Any of the periods of extreme cold or glacial epochs in the history of Earth when temperatures fell, resulting in large areas of Earth's surface covered with glaciers; the most recent one occurring during the Pleistocene epoch.


A very large stone that is usually a part of a monument or prehistoric architecture.

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    Chapter 9: Making the Connection