Chapter 2: Making the Connection

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Making the Connection

automatic writing

Writing that occurs through either an involuntary, or unconscious, trance-like state with the source being the writer's own unconscious self, from a telepathic link with another, or from a deceased spirit wishing to communicate a message.


A principle, belief, or set of beliefs considered to be absolutely true, whether religious, political, or philosophical.


Principles, practices, activities, or body of thought that is all-encompassing and adhered to in an organized church or institution.

elemental spirits

A lower order of spirit beings, said to be usually benevolent and dwell in the nature kingdom as the life force of all things in nature, such as minerals, plants, animals, and the four elements of earth, air, fire and water; the planets, stars, and signs of the zodiac; and hours of the day and night. Elves, brownies, goblins, gnomes, and fairies are said to be among these spirits.


Tapping sounds said to be coming from deceased spirits in an attempt to communicate with or frighten the living.


Something that appears suddenly, as if out of nowhere. In the paranormal it might be a ghost or spirit that suddenly appears to take on a physical form.


In the paranormal, someone who is able to convey messages between the spirits of the deceased and the spirits of the living.


A leader who is regarded as a liberator or savior. In Christianity, the Messiah is Jesus Christ (c. 6 b.c.e.c. 30 c.e.), in Judaism, it is the king who will lead the Jews back to the Holy Land of Israel and establish world peace.

near-death experience

A mystical-like occurrence or sensation that individuals on the brink of death or who were dead, but brought back to life, have described which includes leaving their physical body and hovering over it as though they were a bystander.


One who studies mental phenomena, such as telepathy or extrasensory perception, the mind/body connection, and other psi or paranormal factors that cannot be explained by known scientific principles.


Occurrences, persons, or things that are strange, extraordinary, or considered to be unusual and significant.


The ability to foresee or to know what is going to happen in the future, before it occurs, especially if based on extrasensory perception.


The ability to make objects move or to in some way affect them without using anything but mental powers.


A severe psychiatric disorder which can include symptoms of withdrawal or detachment from reality, delusions, hallucinations, emotional instability, and intellectual disturbances or illogical patterns of thinking to various degrees. The term comes from Greek words meaning "split mind."


A meeting or gathering of people in which a spiritualist makes attempts to communicate with the spirits of deceased persons, or a gathering to receive spiritualistic messages.


A religious or spiritual leader, usually possessing special powers such as that of prophecy, and healing, and acts as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms.

spirit control

The guide that mediums contact to receive messages from deceased spirits, or another name for spirit guide as used in mediumship.

spirit guide

A nonphysical being or entity which possibly can be an angel, the higher self, the spirit of a deceased person, a higher group mind, or a highly evolved being whose purpose is to help, guide, direct, and protect the individual.


Marks on a person's body resembling the Crucifixion wounds suffered by Jesus Christ (c. 6 b.c.e.c. 30 c.e.) during his Crucifixion on the cross.


Communication from one person's mind to another without the use of speech, writing, or any other signs or symbols, but through extrasensory means.


An animal, bird, plant, or any other natural object that is revered as a personal or tribal symbol.


The process of change that happens when one person or place is transferred to another.

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Chapter 2: Making the Connection

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    Chapter 2: Making the Connection