Chapter 11: Making the Connection

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Making the Connection


The scientific study of the origins, behavior, physical, social, and cultural aspects of humankind.


Any animal that has two legs or feet. From the Latin stem biped, meaning twofooted.


A dead body that is usually intended for dissection. From the Latin cadere, meaning to fall or to die.


The study of so-called mythical creatures such as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, whose existence has not yet been scientifically substantiated.


The process of setting borders, limits or marking boundaries. From the Spanish demarcacion, literally meaning, marking off.


Something that is a mysterious, magical substance with curative powers believed to heal all ills or to prolong life and preserve youthfulness. From the Arabic al-iksir and the Greek xerion, meaning dry powder for treating wounds.


An act of deception that is intended to make people think or believe something is real when it is not.


In Islamic or Muslim legend, a spirit that is capable of taking on the shape of humans or animals in order to perform mischievous acts or to exercise supernatural power and influence over humans. From the Arabic jinn, which is the plural of jinni.


Jewish mystical teachings that are based on hidden meanings in the Hebrew Scriptures. Can also be spelled Cabala. From the Hebrew qabbalah, meaning tradition, and from quibbel, to give, receive or accept, ultimately something that is handed down.


Having the excessive characteristics of a wolf, such as being greedy or ravenously hungry.


The magical ability in legends and horror stories of a person who is able

to transform into a wolf, and take on all of its characteristics.


The scientific system or study of measurements. From the Greek metrologie, meaning theory of ratios and metron, or measure.


The study of humanlike creatures or early human beings more primitive that Homo Sapiens, usually done through fossil evidence.


The study of ancient forms of life in geologic or prehistoric times, using such evidence as fossils, plants, animals, and other organisms.


Causing something to decay, usually indicating a foul odor. From the Latin stem, putr, meaning rotten, plus facere, to make.


Any of various large semi-aquatic plant-eating dinosaurs that had a long neck and tail and a small head. From the suborder Sauropoda, a Latin word meaning lizard foot.


Used to describe a mythological creature that is half human and half animal. Coined from the Greek therion, meaning small wild animal, and anthropo, meaning human being.


Someone who is a witch, a believer or follower of the religion of Wicca.


The scientific branch of biology that studies animals in all their characteristics and aspects. From the Greek zoologia, literally the study of life and from zolion, or life form.

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    Chapter 11: Making the Connection