Anderson, Rodger I(van) (1943-)

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Anderson, Rodger I(van) (1943-)

Writer on parapsychology, with special interest in survival, history of Spiritualism and psychic research, and so-called "spirit teachings." He was born in 1943 in Springville, Utah, and educated at the University of Utah (B.S., English, 1971; M.S., philosophy, 1974). Anderson grew up with a strong belief in the occult and the supernatural and was drawn to writings in parapsychology. He became involved in psychic research because of the uncritical acceptance of psychic events he found in many writers. His own interests have centered in the history of Spiritualism, possibilities of demonstrating survival of death, and experimental research. He has authored a number of articles, including philosophical and theological reflections on parapsychological studies, and co-authored two books with Rhea A. White: On Being Psychic: A Reading Guide (2nd ed., 1989) and Psychic Experiences: A Bibliography (1990). In 1983 he won the Robert H. Ashby Memorial Award offered annually by the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research.


Anderson, Roger I. "Cahagnet's Contribution to Psychical Research." Theta 12, 4 (1983): 74.

. "Channeling." Journal of Religion and Psychical Research Vol. 19 (1988): 5.

. "Contemporary Survival Research: A Critical Review." Parapsychology Review Vol. 12 (1981): 5.

. "Reincarnation: Can Christianity Accommodate It?" Journal of Religion and Psychical Research Vol. 9 (1985): 189.

. "Swedenborg on the Modus Operandi of Spirit Communication." Parapsychology Review Vol. 13 (1982): 6.

Berger, Arthur S., and Joyce Berger. The Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Psychical Research. New York: Paragon House, 1991.

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Anderson, Rodger I(van) (1943-)

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