The Aetherius Society

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The Aetherius Society

Founded by Sir George King (1919-1997), a British occultist and flying saucer contactee from the West country, whose mother had formerly run a healing sanctuary. He was in his apartment one morning in March 1954 when a voice informed him: "Prepare yourself. You are to become the voice of Inter-planetary Parliament." It was King's habit to meditate daily, and while so engaged several days later, he was visited by an Indian yoga master who informed him of his mission: the Cosmic Intelligences had selected him as their "primary terrestrial channel." King began to communicate with an entity named Aetherius, a Venusian who was one of the Cosmic Masters of the Interplanetary Parliament located on Saturn. (Jesus Christ is also considered a Parliamentary Master.) Until his death in 1997, Dr. King was in regular contact with these masters.

Eventually King went public when he permitted the Master Aetherius to speak through him at a channeling held at Caxton Hall in London. He began the magazine Aetherius Speaks to Earth (now Cosmic Voice ) and in 1956 founded the Aetherius Society. By this time the issue of UFOs had become a matter of public concern, and UFO contactees like King were offering an answer. Before the decade was out, King had attracted a following in the United States, and an American headquarters was established in Los Angeles.

King developed a picture of the cosmos as ruled by an extraterrestrial hierarchy similar to the theosophical spiritual hierarchy. The hierarchy sent spiritual energy to the planet, which could be used to fight the forces of evil, especially those coming from evil extraterrestrials. Spaceships position themselves above the earth at special times of the year, considered the best moments for transmitting the energies from outer space. King authored a series of books spelling out the theology and practices of what emerged as a new occult religion.

King claimed that he received a mystical consecration on July 23, 1958, from the Master Jesus for his mission; the Lord Buddha added his consecration on December 5, 1978. The society continues and has headquarters in both London and California, where it owns a complex of buildings. It may be contacted at 757 Fulham Road, London, SW6 5UU, England and 6202 Afton Place, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Website:


King, George. The Nine Freedoms. Los Angeles: Aetherius Society, 1963.

. The Practices of Aetherius. Hollywood, Calif.: Aetherius Society, 1964.

. The Twelve Blessings. London: Aetherius Press, 1958.

. You Are Responsible. London: Aetherius Press, 1961.

The Story of Aetherius Society. Hollywood, Calif.: Aetherius Society, n.d.

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