stool / stoōl/ • n. 1. a seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal. ∎ a support on which to stand in order to reach high objects. ∎ short for footstool.2. a piece of feces.3. a root or stump of a tree or plant from which shoots spring.4. a decoy bird in hunting.• v. [intr.] (of a plant) throw up shoots from the root. ∎ [tr.] cut back (a plant) to or near ground level in order to induce new growth.PHRASES: at stool Med. when defecating.
A. wooden seat for one person OE.;
B. base, support, stand XIV;
C. seat enclosing a chamber utensil XV; evacuation of the bowels XVI;
D. (figure of) a bird secured to a stool or perch, serving as a decoy XIX. OE. stōl = OS. stōl (Du. stoel), OHG. stuol (G. stuhl), ON. stóll, Goth. stōls throne :- Gmc. *stōlaz, f. *stō- *stā- STAND + -LE1, the basic sense being ‘stand’, ‘station’; cf. OSl. stolŪ throne, seat, Gr. stḗlē pillar.
stool fall between two stools fail to be or take one of two satisfactory alternatives; with allusion to the proverb between two stools one falls to the ground.
stool of repentance traditionally in the Presbyterian Church, on which a person sat to do formal penance before the rest of the congregation.
stool pigeon a police informer, a person acting as a decoy, so named from the original use in wildfowling of a pigeon fixed to a stool as a decoy.
1. A tree stump that is capable of producing new shoots
2. The permanent base of a coppiced tree.
1. A tree stump that is capable of producing new shoots.
2. The permanent base of a coppiced tree.