
views updated May 23 2018

shim·mer / ˈshimər/ • v. [intr.] shine with a soft tremulous light: the sea shimmered in the sunlight.• n. [in sing.] a light with such qualities: a pale shimmer of moonlight.DERIVATIVES: shim·mer·ing·ly adv.shim·mer·y adj.


views updated May 17 2018

shimmer Late OE. sċymrian, *sċimerian = (M)LG., (M)Du. schēmeren be shaded or shadowy, glimmer, glitter, G. schimmern, iterative (see -ER4) f. Gmc. *skim-, extension of *skī́- SHINE1. Obs. in XVII; revived by Scott XIX.
Hence sb. XIX.


views updated May 29 2018

shimmer(atmospheric boil) The continuously varying distortion of objects seen at low levels caused by variations in surface atmospheric properties, as over strongly heated ground.

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