views 3,946,662 updated Jun 08 2018se·pal / ˈsēpəl/ •
n. Bot. each of the parts of the calyx of a flower, enclosing the petals and typically green and leaflike.
The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English
views 3,558,234 updated Jun 08 2018sepal Modified leaf that makes up the outermost portion of a flower bud. Although usually green and inconspicuous once the flower is open, in some species, the sepals look like the petals.
World Encyclopedia
views 2,734,370 updated May 21 2018sepal (bot.) division of the calyx. XIX. — modL. sepalum; formed (1790) by N. J. de Necker, perh. f. SEPARATE + PETAL.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology T. F. HOAD
views 3,007,328 updated Jun 08 2018sepal In a flower, one of the outer floral leaves, usually greenish, which are borne in a tight spiral or whorled.
A Dictionary of Plant Sciences MICHAEL ALLABY
views 3,578,129 updated May 29 2018sepal One of the parts of a flower making up the calyx. Sepals are considered to be modified leaves with a simpler structure. They are usually green and often hairy but in some plants, e.g. monk's hood, they may be brightly coloured.
A Dictionary of Biology