quantum evolution
quantum evolution(quantum speciation) Traditionally, the rapid speciation that can occur in small populations isolated from the large, ancestral population, and which are therefore subject to the founder effect and to genetic drift. Typically it results when a population shifts into another adaptive zone. Initially the number of individuals will be small and rapid genetic and phenotypic change is feasible in such circumstances, particularly if the new niche is unoccupied. The concept of quantum evolution has been given special significance in the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
quantum evolution
quantum evolution (quantum speciation) Traditionally, the rapid speciation that can occur in small populations isolated from the large, ancestral population, and that are therefore subject to the founder effect and to genetic drift. Typically it results when a population shifts into another adaptive zone. Initially the number of individuals will be small and rapid genetic and phenotypic change is feasible in such circumstances, particularly if the new niche is unoccupied. The concept of quantum evolution has been given special significance in the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
quantum evolution
quantum evolution The sudden spurt of diversification in an evolutionary lineage. Typically it results when a population shifts into another adaptive zone. Initially the number of individuals will be small, and rapid genetic and phenotypic change is feasible in such circumstances, particularly if the new niche is unoccupied. The concept of quantum evolution has been given special significance in the theory of punctuated equilibrium.