qualitative inheritance

views updated May 29 2018

qualitative inheritance Inheritance of a character that differs markedly in its expression amongst individuals of a species (i.e. variation in that species is discontinuous). Such characters are usually under the control of major genes. A principal example is gender. Compare QUANTITATIVE INHERITANCE.

qualitative inheritance

views updated May 29 2018

qualitative inheritance An inheritance of a character that differs markedly in its expression among individuals of a species; variation in that species is discontinuous. Such characters are usually under the control of major genes. A principal example is gender. Compare QUANTITATIVE INHERITANCE.

qualitative inheritance

views updated May 18 2018

qualitative inheritance An inheritance of a character that differs markedly in its expression among individuals of a species: variation in that species is discontinuous. Such characters are usually under the control of major genes. A principal example is gender. Compare quantitative inheritance.

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