
views 1,626,680 updated May 29 2018

pupa Non-feeding, developmental stage during which an insect undergoes complete metamorphosis. It generally occurs as part of a four-stage life cycle from the egg, through larva (such as a caterpillar), to pupa, then imago (winged adult). Most pupae consist of a protective outer casing, inside which the tissues of the insect undergo a drastic reorganization to form the adult body. Insects that undergo pupation include the many different kinds of butterfly and beetle and many kinds of fly. The pupa is often called a chrysalis in butterflies and moths.


views 2,489,717 updated May 21 2018

pupa The third stage of development in the life cycle of endopterygote insects. During the pupal stage locomotion and feeding cease and metamorphosis from the larva to the adult form takes place. There are three types of pupa. The commonest is the exarate or free pupa, in which the wings and other appendages are visible and movable. In the obtect type the wings are stuck to the body and immovable, as in the chrysalis of a butterfly or moth; and in the co-arctate type an exarate pupa develops within a hard barrel-shaped puparium, as in the housefly and other Diptera.


views 1,284,664 updated Jun 11 2018

pu·pa / ˈpyoōpə/ • n. (pl. -pae / -ˌpē; -ˌpī/ ) an insect in its inactive immature form between larva and adult, e.g., a chrysalis.DERIVATIVES: pu·pal adj.


views 1,797,358 updated May 18 2018

pupa The stage in the life cycle of an insect during which the larval form is reorganized to form the final, adult form. Pupae are frequently inactive, forming a hard shell (chrysalis) or silken covering (cocoon) about themselves while the very large changes associated with becoming adult take place.


views 2,249,966 updated May 29 2018

pupa chrysalis. XIX. — modL. use of L. pūpa girl, doll.

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