
views updated Jun 27 2018

phy·to·ge·og·ra·phy / ˌfītōjēˈägrəfē/ • n. the branch of botany that deals with the geographical distribution of plants. DERIVATIVES: phy·to·ge·o·graph·ic adj.phy·to·ge·o·graph·i·cal adj.


views updated May 17 2018

phytogeography(floristics) The study of the geography of plants, particularly their distribution at different taxonomic levels. Patterns of distribution are interpreted in terms of climatic and anthropogenic influence, but above all in terms of earlier continental configurations and migration routes.


views updated May 18 2018

phytogeography (floristics) The study of the geography of plants, particularly their distribution at different taxonomic levels, i.e. family, genus, and species. Patterns of distribution are interpreted in terms of climatic and anthropogenic influence, but above all in terms of earlier continental configurations and migration routes.


views updated May 08 2018

phytogeography (floristics) The study of the geography of plants, particularly their distribution at different taxonomic levels, i.e. family, genus, and species. Patterns of distribution are interpreted in terms of climatic and anthropogenic influence, but above all in terms of earlier continental configurations and migration routes.


views updated May 29 2018

phytogeography See plant geography.

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