parallel evolution

views updated May 29 2018

parallel evolution The development of related organisms along similar evolutionary paths due to strong selection pressures acting on all of them in the same way. It is debatable if the phenomenon really exists: many argue that all evolution is ultimately convergent or divergent (see adaptive radiation).

parallel evolution

views updated May 23 2018

parallel evolution A similar evolutionary development that occurs in lineages of common ancestry. Thus, the descendants are as alike as were their ancestors. The nature of the ancestry imposes or directly influences the development of the parallelism.

parallel evolution

views updated May 23 2018

parallel evolution Similar evolutionary development that occurs in lineages of common ancestry. Thus the descendants are as alike as were their ancestors. The nature of the ancestry imposes or directly influences the development of the parallelism.

parallel evolution

views updated May 08 2018

parallel evolution Similar evolutionary development that occurs in lineages of common ancestry. Thus the descendants are as alike as were their ancestors. The nature of the ancestry imposes or directly influences the development of the parallelism.

parallel evolution

views updated May 14 2018

parallel evolution Similar evolutionary development that occurs in lineages of common ancestry. Thus the descendants are as alike as were their ancestors. The nature of the ancestry imposes or directly influences the development of the parallelism.

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