
views updated Jun 08 2018

Odderade The third interstadial within the Weichselian, which occurred between 70 000 years bp and 60 000 years bp, between the Brørup and Moershoofd interstadials. The vegetational evidence indicates tundra conditions with some temperate boreal elements having been present. After the Odderade interstadial polar-desert conditions prevailed until the Moershoofd interstadial.


views updated May 08 2018

Odderade The third interstadial within the Weichselian, which occurred between 70 000 years BP and 60 000 years BP, between the Brørup and Moershoofd Interstadials. The vegetational evidence indicates tundra conditions with some temperate boreal elements having been present. After the Odderade Interstadial polar-desert conditions prevailed until the Moershoofd Interstadial.

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