moisture budget

views updated May 08 2018

moisture budget (moisture balance, water budget) The balance of water fluxes into and out of a defined area over a defined time period, as represented broadly by the equation: precipitation = runoff + evapotranspiration + the change in soil-moisture storage. In mid-latitudes, for example, the annual budget is balanced by a high level of potential evapotranspiration and utilization of soil moisture in summer, compensated by a water surplus and recharge of soil moisture in winter when evaporation is less and precipitation is sometimes greater.

moisture budget

views updated May 17 2018

moisture budget (moisture balance) The balance of water, as represented broadly by the equation: balance = precipitation − (runoff + evapotranspiration + the change in soil-moisture). Over the year, for example in mid-latitudes, the budget is balanced by a high level of potential evapotranspiration and utilization of soil moisture in summer, compensated by a water surplus and recharge of soil moisture in winter, when evaporation is less and precipitation is sometimes greater.

moisture budget

views updated May 21 2018

moisture budget(moisture balance) The balance of water, as represented broadly by the equation: balance = precipitation − (runoff + evapotranspiration + the change in soil-moisture). Over the year, for example in mid-latitudes, the budget is balanced by a high level of potential evapotranspiration and utilization of soil moisture in summer, compensated by a water surplus and recharge of soil moisture in winter, when evaporation is less and precipitation is sometimes greater.

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