mid-latitude mixed forest

views updated Jun 11 2018

mid-latitude mixed forest A forest comprising coniferous and broad-leaved trees, and belonging to one of two broad categories: (a)ecotone mixed forest, which has characteristics transitional between those of the two great belts of boreal coniferous forest and mid-latitude broad-leaved deciduous forest; and(b)a second type that seems to have the status of true climatic climax, in which both the conifers and broad-leaved trees are evergreens. These evergreen mixed forests were once extensive in the Mediterranean basin, and in the southern hemisphere are found in Chile, southern Brazil, Tasmania, northern New Zealand, and the Cape Province (South Africa).

mid-latitude mixed forest

views updated May 11 2018

mid-latitude mixed forest A forest comprising coniferous and broad-leaved trees, and belonging to 1 of 2 broad categories:
a. ecotone mixed forest, which has characteristics transitional between those of the 2 great belts of boreal coniferous forest and mid-latitude broad-leaved deciduous forest
; and
b. a second type that seems to have the status of true climatic climax, in which both the conifers and broad-leaved trees are evergreens. These evergreen mixed forests were once extensive in the Mediterranean basin, and in the southern hemisphere are found in Chile, southern Brazil, Tasmania, northern New Zealand, and the Cape Province (S. Africa).

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mid-latitude mixed forest

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