mass provisioning

views updated May 14 2018

mass provisioning The provision of all the food required for larval development by wasps and bees. The food, either insect or spider prey (for wasps) or honey and pollen (for bees), is stored in a specially prepared space (cell) within the nest. An egg is laid on or in the food, and the cell is sealed. Mass provisioning is very largely found in solitary (non-social) species, but is also practised by the highly social stingless bees.

mass provisioning

views updated Jun 08 2018

mass provisioning The provision of all the food required for larval development by wasps and bees. The food, either insect or spider prey (for wasps) or honey and pollen (for bees) is stored in a specially prepared space (cell) within the nest. An egg is laid on or in the food, and the cell is sealed. Mass provisioning is very largely found in solitary (non-social) species, but is also practised by the highly social stingless bees.

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mass provisioning

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Updated Aug 08 2016 About content Print Topic

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