intertropical convergence zone

views updated May 09 2018

intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ, equatorial trough) A low-latitude zone of convergence between air masses coming from either hemisphere at the boundary between north-easterly and south-easterly trade winds. Low-latitude depressions often form along the zone, which moves latitudinally with the seasons, their occurrence being mainly in the ocean sectors and sometimes leading to tropical hurricanes (or typhoons) when the zone is displaced relatively far from the equator. Over land, continental wind systems (e.g. the south-westerly monsoon and the hot, dry, desert winds in Africa) converge at the zone. See intertropical confluence.

intertropical convergence zone

views updated May 08 2018

intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ, equatorial trough) Low-latitude zone of convergence between air masses coming from either hemisphere at the boundary between north-easterly and south-easterly trade winds. Low-latitude depressions often form along the zone, which moves latitudinally with the seasons, their occurrence being mainly in the ocean sectors and sometimes leading to tropical hurricanes (or typhoons) when the zone is displaced relatively far from the equator. Over land, continental wind systems, e.g. the south-westerly monsoon and the hot, dry, desert winds in Africa, converge at the zone. See INTERTROPICAL CONFLUENCE.

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