
views updated Jun 11 2018

interphase The period following the completion of cell division, when the nucleus is not dividing. During this period changes in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm result in the complete development of the daughter cells. See cell cycle; interkinesis.


views updated May 29 2018

interphase A stage in the cell cycle in which there is no visible evidence of nuclear division but in which there is intense activity, including replication of chromosomes. Because of the lack of visible evidence of this activity, this phase has been inappropriately called a ‘resting phase’.


views updated May 14 2018

interphase In the cell cycle, the phase of the nucleus between succeeding mitoses, during which DNA is replicated and energy stored in preparation for nuclear division.


views updated Jun 11 2018

interphase (interkinesis) (in-ter-fayz) n. the period when a cell is not undergoing division (mitosis), during which activities such as DNA synthesis occur.

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