
views updated Jun 11 2018

hypo-, before a vowel hyp-, repr. Gr. hup(o)-, prefix-form of hupó under (adv. and prep.) = L. sub (see SUB-), in words derived immed. or ult. from Gr. (see below) with meanings ‘under’, ‘beneath’, ‘below’, ‘slight(ly)’, and in numerous mod. formations. hypocaust under-chamber for heating a house or bath. XVII. — L. hypocaustum — Gr. hupókauston (kaíein burn). hypochondria
A. (anat.) region of the abdomen under the ribs, formerly held to be the seat of melancholy XVI;

B. morbidity of mind, marked by depression and regarded as due to ‘vapours’ XVIII. — late L.; in A pl. of hypochondrium — Gr. hupokhóndrion (khóndros cartilage); in B taken as fem. in transf. sense. hypocoristic of the nature of a pet-name. XVIII. — Gr. hupokoristikós (kóros child). hypocrisy XIII. — OF. ypocrisie (mod. hypo-) — ecclL. hypocrisis — Gr. hupókrisis acting, feigning (krínein decide, judge).

So hypocrite XIII. — (O)F. — ecclL. — Gr. hupokrités actor, pretender. hypocritical XVI. hypostasis †sediment; (theol.) person of Christ, of the Godhead XVI; substance, essence XVII. — ecclL. — Gr. hupóstasis (*sta- STAND). hypotenuse side of a right-angled triangle subtending the right angle. XVI. — L. hypotēnūsa — Gr. hupoteínousa, pp. fem. of hupoteínein stretch under, hypothec legal security. XVI. — F. hypothèque — late L. hypothēca — Gr. hupothḗkē deposit, pledge (thē- place, DO1). So hypothecate mortgage. XVII. f. pp. stem of medL. hypothēcāre, hypothesis †particular case of a general proposition XVI; proposition set as a basis for reasoning; supposition to account for known facts XVII. — late L. — Gr. hupóthesis foundation (thē- place, DO1). So hypothetic XVII, hypothetical XVI. — L. — Gr. hupothetikós.


views updated May 08 2018

hypo- (hyp-) From the Greek hupo meaning ‘under’, a prefix meaning ‘below’, ‘slightly’, or ‘lower than normal’. ‘Hypo-’ is generally used before words beginning with a consonant, ‘hyp-’ before words beginning with a vowel.


views updated May 14 2018

hypo-(hyp-) From the Greek hupo, meaning ‘under’, a prefix meaning ‘below’, ‘slightly’, or ‘lower than normal’. ‘Hypo-’ is generally used before words beginning with a consonant, ‘hyp-’ before words beginning with a vowel.


views updated May 21 2018

hypo- prefix. see hyp-.


views updated May 23 2018

hypo‐ Prefix meaning below the normal range, or abnormally low.


views updated May 17 2018

hypo- A prefix denoting under, below, low; e.g. hypogyny, hyponasty.

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