
views updated May 21 2018

hypermorphosis A form of heterochrony in which, during the course of evolution, the rate of development is unchanged but the total development time is extended, permitting the addition of new stages to the end of the ancestral development sequence. The morphological outcome is an example of peramorphosis. Hence the development (ontogeny) of such organisms conforms to the theory of recapitulation of their phylogeny.


views updated May 14 2018

hypermorphosis A type of heterochrony in which growth is prolonged, so that the adult morphology of the descendant is produced by a prolongation of the growth trajectory of its ancestor. The organism reaches its adult size and form well before the attainment of sexual maturity, and continues to develop into a ‘super-adult’. This can facilitate evolution.


views updated May 29 2018

hypermorphosis A type of heterochrony in which growth is prolonged, so that the adult morphology of the descendant is produced by a prolongation of the growth trajectory of its ancestor. The organism reaches its adult size and form well before the attainment of sexual maturity, and continues to develop into a ‘super-adult’.


views updated May 08 2018

hypermorphosis Acceleration of development so that the organism reaches its adult size and form well before the attainment of sexual maturity, and continues to develop into a ‘super-adult’.

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