hummocky moraine

views updated May 08 2018

hummocky moraine A strongly undulating surface of ground moraine, with a relative relief of up to 100 m, and showing steep slopes and deep, enclosed depressions. It results from the downwasting (i.e. thinning) of ice which is usually stagnant. Blocks of ice may squeeze debris released from the ice into crevasses between the blocks.

hummocky moraine

views updated Jun 08 2018

hummocky moraine A strongly undulating surface of ground moraine, with a relative relief of up to 100 m, and showing steep slopes and deep, enclosed depressions. It results from the down-wasting (i.e. thinning) of ice which is usually stagnant. Blocks of ice may squeeze debris released from the ice into crevasses between the blocks.

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