homogametic sex

views updated May 18 2018

homogametic sex The sex that is determined by possession of two similar sex chromosomes (e.g. XX). In humans and many other mammals this is the female sex. All the reproductive cells (gametes) produced by the homogametic sex have the same kind of sex chromosome (i.e. an X chromosome). Compare heterogametic sex.

homogametic sex

views updated May 11 2018

homogametic sex The sex that has sex chromosomes that are similar in morphology (e.g. XX); and hence the sex that produces only one kind of gamete with respect to the sex chromosomes. Compare HETEROGAMETIC SEX.

homogametic sex

views updated May 21 2018

homogametic sex The sex that has sex chromosomes that are similar in morphology (e.g. XX); and hence the sex that produces only one kind of gamete with respect to the sex chromosomes. Compare heterogametic sex.

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