fire climax

views updated May 14 2018

fire climax(pyroclimax) A climax community for which fire is the dominating control factor, as in the long-leaf pine forests of the USA. Fire is also thought to be an important determining factor, interacting in complex ways with grazing and trampling pressure, in the formation of the major grassland areas, e.g. prairies and savannah. Fire is also a major influence, with grazing, on the development and maintenance of heathland communities.

fire climax

views updated May 17 2018

fire climax (pyroclimax) A climax community for which fire is the dominating control factor, as in the long-leaf pine forests of the USA. Fire is also thought to be an important determining factor, interacting in complex ways with grazing and trampling pressure, in the formation of the major grassland areas, e.g. prairies and savannah. Fire is also a major influence, with grazing, on the development and maintenance of heathland communities.

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