
views updated Jun 11 2018

equifinality The theory that the members of morphologically similar land-forms may each have been produced by a different process or sequence of processes. For example, an armchair-shaped hollow may have been produced by a cirque glacier, by a rotational landslide, by nivation, or by spring-sapping. Their present-day similarity may make the origin of such land-forms difficult to determine.


views updated May 08 2018

equifinality The theory that the members of morphologically similar land-forms may each have been produced by a different process or sequence of processes. For example, an armchair-shaped hollow may have been produced by a cirque glacier, by a rotational landslide, by nivation, or by spring-sapping. Their present-day similarity may make the origin of such land-forms difficult to determine.


views updated Jun 08 2018

equifinality The ability of certain structures or behaviour patterns to form by more than one route in a developing embryo or young animal.

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