
views 2,081,168 updated May 08 2018

epidote (pistacite) A rock-forming mineral Ca2(Al2Fe3+)Si3O12(OH) and a member of the epidote group of minerals, which includes zoisite, clinozoisite, and allanite; sp. gr. 3.4–3.5; hardness 6.5; monoclinic; normally pistachio-green, but also various shades of green, yellow, grey, or black; vitreous lustre; crystals are prismatic parallelograms, often rod-like and isometric, often showing radial, fibrous, and columnar masses; cleavage perfect zoisite; it occurs in hydrothermal formations, especially associated with altered, basic, igneous rocks, and also in contact metamorphic zones with quartz, chlorite, calcite, and sulphides, and can also replace various minerals, such as amphiboles, which break down under late-stage hydrothermal alteration.


views 3,364,072 updated May 08 2018

zoisite Member of the epidote group of minerals, with the formula Ca2Al3Si3O12OH; sp. gr. 3.3; hardness 6.5; greyish-white or greenish; crystals orthorhombic, prismatic, but normally massive or columnar; occurs in regional-metamorphic (see REGIONAL METAMORPHISM) rocks. Thulite is a rose-pink variety.


views 2,869,406 updated May 08 2018

pistacite See EPIDOTE.

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