East African steppe floral region

views updated Jun 08 2018

East African steppe floral region Part of R. Good's (1974, The Geography of the Flowering Plants) African subkingdom, which lies within his Palaeotropical floral kingdom. The flora includes about 150 endemic (see endemism) genera, nearly all of which are small. They include Saintpaulia, one species of which, S. ionantha (African violet), is now a popular house plant. See also floral province and floristic region.

East African steppe floral region

views updated May 14 2018

East African steppe floral region Part of R. Good's (The Geography of the Flowering Plants, 1974) African subkingdom, which lies within his palaeotropical kingdom. The flora includes about 150 endemic (see ENDEMISM) genera, nearly all of which are small. They include Saintpaulia, one species of which, S. ionantha, is now a popular house plant. See also FLORAL PROVINCE and FLORISTIC REGION.

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