Domin scale

views updated May 29 2018

Domin scale A system devised by K. Domin for describing the cover of a species in a vegetation community. The scale ranges from simple presence through 10 grades of linked cover-abundance measures. The scheme is based on the original (1927) five-point cover scale of Braun-Blanquet, but the finer subdivisions allow more detailed interpretation. See also cover-sociability scale.

Domin scale

views updated May 23 2018

Domin scale A system for describing the cover of a species in a vegetation community. The scale ranges from simple presence through 10 grades of linked cover-abundance and cover measures. The scheme is based on the original 5-point cover scale of Braun-Blanquet, but the finer subdivisions allow more detailed interpretation. See also COVER-SOCIABILITY SCALE.

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