classification methods
classification methods Any scheme for structuring data that is used to group individuals, or sometimes attributes. In ecological and taxonomic studies especially, quite sophisticated numerical classification schemes have been devised, and the methods developed in these disciplines are being applied increasingly in other fields, notably pedology and palaeontology. Various classificatory strategies may be used, e.g. hierarchical or non-hierarchical; and where hierarchical schemes are used, these may be divisive or agglomerative, and monothetic or polythetic, with the divisive polythetic approach being considered the optimum strategy. Compare ORDINATION METHODS.
classification methods
classification methods Any scheme for structuring data that is used to group individuals, or sometimes attributes. In ecological and taxonomic studies especially, quite sophisticated numerical classification schemes have been devised, and an extensive theoretical literature exists relating to them. The methods developed in these disciplines are being applied increasingly in other fields, notably pedology and palaeontology. Various classificatory strategies may be used, e.g. hierarchical or non-hierarchical; and where hierarchical schemes are used, these may be divisive or agglomerative, and monothetic or polythetic, with the divisive polythetic approach being considered the optimum strategy. Compare ORDINATION METHODS.