broad-leaved evergreen forest

views updated May 23 2018

broad-leaved evergreen forest Forest dominated by broad-leaved, evergreen tree species. North of the tropics, temperate, broad-leaved forests occur in the formation types: (a)broad-leaved evergreen, and(b)broad-leaved deciduous, the evergreen variants being restricted to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico, southern Japan, and central China. South of the tropics, however, the broadleaved forests are mainly evergreen, the only exception occurring in Chilean Patagonia. This forest type requires plentiful, well-distributed rainfall.

broad-leaved evergreen forest

views updated May 21 2018

broad-leaved evergreen forest North of the tropics, temperate, broad-leaved forests occur in the formation types:
a. broad-leaved evergreen, and

b. broad-leaved deciduous, the evergreen variants being restricted to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico, S. Japan, and central China. South of the tropics, however, the broad-leaved forests are mainly evergreen, the only exception occurring in Chilean Patagonia. This forest type requires plentiful rainfall, well distributed throughout the year.

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