aristogenesis(directional evolution) An outmoded theory holding that evolution proceeds along a determined path. The modern view is that natural selection does not direct evolution towards any particular kind of organism or physiological attribute, nor is there any mysterious inner guiding force. See also entelechy; nomogenesis; and orthogenesis.
aristogenesis An outmoded theory holding that evolution proceeds along a determined path. The modern view is that natural selection does not direct evolution towards any particular kind of organism or physiological attribute, nor is there any mysterious inner guiding force. See also ENTELECHY; NOMOGENESIS; and ORTHOGENESIS.
aristogenesis An outmoded theory holding that evolution proceeds along a determined path. (The modern view is that natural selection does not direct evolution towards any particular kind of organism or physiological attribute, nor is there any mysterious inner guiding force.) See also ENTELECHY; NOMOGENESIS; ORTHOGENESIS.
aristogenesis Theory, like those of entelechy, nomogenesis, and orthogenesis, that claims that evolution proceeds along a determined path. Today, however, most people accept that natural selection does not direct evolution towards any particular kind of organism or physiological attribute.