pon·toon1 / ˌpänˈtoōn/ •
n. a flat-bottomed boat or hollow metal cylinder used with others to support a temporary bridge or floating landing stage. ∎ a bridge or landing stage supported by pontoons. ∎ a large flat-bottomed barge or lighter equipped with cranes. ∎ either of the floats fitted to an aircraft to enable it to land on water.
pon·toon2 • n. Brit. the card game blackjack or vingt-et-un. ∎ a hand of two cards totaling 21 in this game.pontoon
pontoon1 boat (or other vessel), of which a number are used to support a temporary bridge. XVII (ponton). — (O)F. ponton :— L. pontō, -ōn- punt, bridge of boats, f. pōns, pont- bridge, rel. to Indo-Iran. and Balto-Slav. words, with Gr. pátos, meaning ‘road’, ‘path’, but the relevance of the sense in PONTIFF (if this is ‘path-maker’) is not clear; see -OON.
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