drill1 / dril/ •
n. 1. a hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes. ∎ such a tool used by a dentist for cutting away part of a tooth before filling it. 2. instruction or training in military exercises. ∎ intensive instruction or training in something, typically by means of repeated exercises. ∎ a rehearsal of the procedure to be followed in an emergency. ∎ (the drill) inf. the correct or recognized procedure or way of doing something: he didn't know the drill. 3. a predatory mollusk (family Muricidae, class Gastropoda) that bores into the shells of other mollusks in order to feed on the soft tissue.•
v. [tr.] 1. produce (a hole) in something by or as if by boring with a drill. ∎ make a hole in (something) by boring with a drill. ∎ [intr.] make a hole in or through something by using a drill: fig. his eyes drilled into her. ∎ [intr.] sink a borehole in order to obtain a certain substance, typically oil or water: they are licensed to drill for oil in the area | [as n.] (drilling) drilling should begin next year. ∎ (of a dentist) cut away part of (a tooth) before filling it. ∎ [tr.] inf. (of a sports player) hit, throw, or kick (a ball or puck) hard and in a straight line. 2. subject (someone) to military training exercises. ∎ [intr.] (of a person) take part in such exercises. ∎ instruct (someone) in something by the means of repeated exercises or practice. ∎ (drill something into) cause (someone) to learn something by repeating it regularly. DERIVATIVES: drill·er n.
drill2 • n. a machine that makes small furrows, sows seed in them, and then covers the sown seed. ∎ a small furrow, esp. one made by such a machine. ∎ a ridge with such a furrow on top. ∎ a row of plants sown in such a furrow: drills of lettuces.• v. [tr.] (of a person or machine) sow (seed) with a drill: crops drilled in autumn. ∎ plant (the ground) in furrows: [as n.] (drilling) accurate ridging and drilling make hoeing much easier. drill3 • n. a dark brown baboon (Mandrillus leucophaeus) with a short tail, found in the rain forests of West Africa. Compare with mandrill.drill4 • n. a coarse twilled cotton or linen fabric.drill
A. bore a hole in XVII;
B. train in military evolutions XVI. — MDu. drillen bore, turn in a circle, brandish = MLG. drillen roll, turn, whence (M)HG. drillen turn, bore, drill soldiers; ult. orig. unkn.
Hence drill sb. A. boring instrument; B. military evolutions. XVII.