Zigabenus, Euthymius

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12th-century Byzantine theologian, exegete. Because of confusion with another monk, Zigabenus of Peribleptos, there is almost no biographical information preserved in regard to the author of the Panoplia Dogma-tike, a work requested by the Emperor alexius comnenus as a refutation of all heresies. The Panoplia was highly praised by Anna Comnena, but modern research indicates that it was based upon patristic texts in florilegia rather than on firsthand knowledge. The first seven titles (chapters) are a positive exposition of theodicy and Christology; the following 21 titles combat heresies from those of the Jews to those of the author's contemporaries: Armenians, Paulicians, Messalians, Bogomils, and Musulmans. Zigabenus is a useful source for knowledge of the Bogomils and in the opinion of V. Grumel has probably excerpted a synodal document in their regard; but he presents a mere compilation of sources for the other heresies. His exegetical work is represented by commentaries On the Psalms, including the Canticle of Canticles; On the Gospels; and On the Pauline Epistles. He gives mainly a résumé of earlier exegetical opinion, particularly of St. John Chrysostom. Other dogmatic and rhetorical works and letters attributed to him are not authentic.

Bibliography: Patrologia Graeca v.128131. n. kalogeras, ed., Euthymii Zigabeni Commentarius in XIV epistolas Sancti Pauli, 2 v. (Athens 1887). m. jugie, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique 5.2:157782. h. g. beck, Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich 614616.

[p. canart]

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