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YUNG-VILNE ("Young Vilna"), Yiddish literary group, introduced in the daily Vilner Tog in 1929 with the headline: "Young Vilna Marches into Yiddish Literature." It aroused excitement through its miscellanies (Yung-Vilne, 1934–36), its contributions to local and international Yiddish journals, and individual books of verse and fiction. Principal members included poets Chaim *Grade, Shimshon Kahan, Peretz Miransky, Abraham *Sutzkever, Elkhanan Wogler, and Leyzer *Wolf, prose writers Shmerke *Kaczerginski and Moyshe Levin, and artists Bentsie Mikhtom and Rokhl Sutzkever. Dozens more were associated with the group, whose members were united by generation, place, a shared humanistic orientation, and the encouragement of local intellectuals like Zalman *Rejzen and Max *Weinreich. A Yung-Vilne evening in the Vilna ghetto, the participation of several members in the partisan underground, and the accomplishments of Grade and Sutzkever as leading postwar Yiddish writers assure that Yung-Vilne will be remembered as one of the great incubators of Jewish creativity in interwar Poland.


L. Ran, 25 Yor Yung-Vilne (1955); E. Shulman, Yung-Vilne (1946). add. bibliography: J. Cammy, in: Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, 14 (2001), 170–91; idem, in: Judische Kultur(en) im Neuen Europa: Wilna 19181939 (2004), 117–33; Di Goldene Keyt, 101 (1980) (Yung-Vilne issue); A. Novershtern, in: The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars (1989), 383–98.

[Sol Liptzin /

Justin D. Cammy (2nd ed.)]

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