Thomas Bellaci, Bl.

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Franciscan lay brother; b. Florence, Italy, c. 1370; d. Rieti, Oct. 31, 1447. He is known also as Thomas of Florence, of Linari, of Rieti, and of Scarlino. After a youth spent in profligacy, Thomas repented and entered the franciscans of the Observance at Fiesole, c. 1392. Though only a lay brother, he soon became master of novices. In 1414 the Commissary General of the Observant Reform took him to the kingdom of Naples, where he worked for six years. At the request of Pope Martin V, he joined Anthony of Stroncone in opposing the heretical fraticelli (142230). From 1430 to 1439 his headquarters were at Scarlino. In 1439 he accompanied Albert of Sarteano to the East, whence he was ransomed by Pope Eugene IV in 1444; he returned to Rome the next year. His cult was confirmed by the Holy See in 1771.

Feast: Oct. 31.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum Oct. 13:860892. a. mercati and a. pelzer, Dizionario ecclesiastico, 3 v. (Turin 195458) 3:1148. d. stÖckerl, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. m. buchberber, 10 v. (Freiburg 193038) 10:123. l. wadding, Scriptores Ordinis Minorum, 86 v. (Lyons 162554); 11:336346.

[f. d. lazenby]

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