Runkel, Solomon Zalman

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RUNKEL, SOLOMON ZALMAN (d. before 1426), rabbi and kabbalist. Runkel served as rabbi in Mainz and later in Worms. He was the teacher of Jacob *Moellin and the author of Ḥatan Damim (Prague, 1605), a kabbalistic commentary on the Pentateuch based on *gematria and *notarikon.

The work was left unfinished and was completed by Isaac ha-Kohen, the son-in-law of *Judah Loew b. Bezalel (the Maharal) of Prague. Some, however, attribute this work to his great-grandson Solomon Zalman Runkel (d. 1562), who was rabbi in Cracow and the son-in-law of Meir *Katzenellenbogen. It is also doubtful which S.Z. Runkel wrote a responsum mentioned in the responsa of R. Meir Katzenellenbogen. David *Oppenheim had in his library a manuscript of Runkel's Meliẓot be-Riv be'ad Aniyyei Ammenu.


Zunz, Gesch, 105, 194, 283; J.M. Zunz, Ir ha-Ẓedek (1874), 172, 66 (second pagination); I.T. Eisenstadt and S. Wiener, Da'at Kedoshim (1897–98), 83–84 (first pagination); Watstein, in: Sefer ha-Yovel… Naḥum Sokolow (1904), 294–5.

[Abraham David]

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