Roseline, St.

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Virgin, known also as Rossolina; b. Chateau d'Arcs (Fréjus), France, 1263; d. Celle-Roubaud (Provence), Jan. 17, 1329. Roseline, of the noble family De Villeneuve, entered the Carthusians in Bertrand about age 1516 and was honored even during her lifetime for her severe penances and miracles. She became prioress in Celle-Roubaud c. 1300. When her coffin was opened in 1334, her body was found incorrupt. Her veneration was approved for Fréjus in 1851, for the whole of France in 1857. She is pictured in iconography as a Carthusian nun with maniple and stole.

Feast: Jan. 17; Oct. 16 (Carthusians); July 11 (translation of relics).

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 2:484498. j. e. stadler and f. j. heim, Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon, 5 v. (Augsburg 185882) 5:147. l. liotard, Vie édifiante et populaire de Ste. Roseline de Villeneuve (2d ed. Draguignan, France 1873). m. c. de ganay, La Vie spirituelle 19 (192829) 420433. j. l. baudot and l. chaussin, Vies des saints et des bienheueux selon l'ordre du calendrier avec l'historique des fêtes, ed. by The Benedictines of Paris, 12 v. (Paris 193556) 1:358. The Book of Saints (4th ed. New York 1947) 517. d. attwater, A Dictionary of Saints (new ed. New York 1958). a. butler, The Lives of the Saints, ed. h. thurston and d. attwater, 4 v. (New York 1956) 1:112113, g. spahr, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10v. (2d, new ed. Freiburg 195765) 9:45.

[m. csÁky]

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