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REḤUMEI , name of three Babylonian amoraim. REḤUMEI (i), amora of the mid-fourth century and a pupil of Rava and Abbaye (Pes. 39a; Naz. 13a). It is told that he died prematurely on the eve of the Day of Atonement, the circumstances of his death being given as follows: Reḥumei studied with Rava at Maḥoza and returned home to his wife only once a year on the eve of the Day of Atonement. One year he was so involved in his studies that he forgot to return. When he did not arrive, his anxious wife burst into tears. At that moment the roof collapsed and he was killed (Ket. 62b). REḤUMEI (ii), amora of the mid-fifth century. He was a pupil of Ravina i, before whom he expounded a saying of Huna b. Taḥlifa (Zev. 77a). He also transmitted the customs of Ravina (Yoma 78a). Reḥumei succeeded Rafram ii as the head of the academy of Pumbedita from 443 to 456. He died during the persecution of the Jews by Yazdegerd ii. He may have also been called Naḥumai (Iggeret R. Sherira Ga'on, ed. B.M. Lewin, p. 96; Seder ha-Qabbalah, ed. Cohen, p. 34). REḤUMEI (iii), amora, is also considered one of the early savoraim, although his teachings are still included in the Talmud. He differs with his contemporary Joseph on certain topics (Er. 11a; Men. 33b). He died in 505 c.e.


Hyman, Toledot; S. Albeck, in: Sinai Sefer Yovel (1958), 65–67; H. Albeck, Mavo la-Talmudim (1969), 310, 379, 450.

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