Rainald of Ravenna, Bl.

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Archbishop; b. Milan, Italy, c. 1250; d. Ravenna, Italy, Aug. 18, 1321. A member of the Concorregi family, he began his career as a papal chaplain, and from 1296 to 1303 he was bishop of Vicenza. During the year 1299 he acted as papal legate entrusted with the task of making peace between England and France, and on March 4, 1302, he became director of spiritual affairs in the Romagna. Rainald was made archbishop of ravenna on Nov. 19, 1303, and on Aug. 12, 1308, he was appointed a papal commissioner for the investigation of the templars in northern Italy. Later the Templar question and the problem of Church reform occupied his attention at several provincial synods in the years 1310, 1311, 1314, and 1317, as well as at the Council of vienne. He was beatified by Pius IX on Jan. 15, 1852.

Feast: Aug. 18.

Bibliography: f. ughelli, Italia sacra , ed. n. coleti, 10 v. (2d ed. Venice 171722) 2:382388. c. eubel et al., Hierarchia Catholica medii (et recentioris) aevi (2d ed. Münster 1913) 1:415. Acta Sanctorum Aug. 3 (1863) 688696. s. muratori, Bollettino d'arte, 2 (1908) 324337. d. g. molteni, Biographia di S.R. Concorrezzo (Monza 1911). j. d. mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collection (repr. Graz 1960) 25:293296, 449476, 535550, 599628. c. j. von hefele, Histoire des conciles d'après les documents originaux, tr. and continued by h. leclercq, 10 v. in 19 (Paris 190738) 6.1:549551, 629630, 637640; 6.2:733736, 784787. h. schmidinger, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10 v. (2d, new ed. Freiburg 195765) 8:979. h. finke, Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens, 2 v. (Münster 1907) 1:321. e. mÜller, Das Konzil von Vienne (Münster 1934) 89. a. torre, Studi romagnoli, 10 (1959) 112.

[r. e. geiger]

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