Puy (-En-Velay), Le

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PUY (-EN-VELAY), LE , town in the department of Haute-Loire, S. France. The Jewish quarter of Le Puy, on the site of the Rue de la Juiverie, is first mentioned in 1212. There is no other information available on the early medieval community there. Following the return of the Jews to the kingdom in 1315 after the expulsion of 1306, a Jew of Le Puy was accused in 1320 of having killed a chorister of the church of Notre-Dame, the murder having been revealed by a miracle. The accused was murdered by the populace, and the other Jews were banished from Le Puy. In 1325 Charles iv granted the choristers of Le Puy the jurisdiction over any Jew found within the town.


Theodore, Histoire angél… du Puy (1693), 316ff.; M. Schwab, in: rej, 33 (1896), 277–82; A. Jacotin, Nomenclature historique… des rues du Puy (1928).

[Bernhard Blumenkranz]

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