Perlov, Yitskhok

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PERLOV, YITSKHOK (Isaac Perlow ; 1911–1980), Yiddish poet, novelist, and editor. Born in Biała Podlaska, until the end of World War i he lived in Minsk, then in Warsaw and in the Soviet Union (1940–46). In 1947 he sailed to Ereẓ Israel on the Exodus but was returned to Germany by the British, an experience he described in Ekzodus 1947 ("Exodus 1947," 1948) and Di Mentshn fun Eksodus 47 ("The People of Exodus 47," 1949). In 1949 he emigrated to Israel, and in 1961 to New York. He began his literary career in 1928 with poems in the Literarishe Bleter and then published widely in the Yiddish press in Poland, Germany, Israel, and the United States. His works, some of which appeared under pseudonyms such as A. Bril, Y.B. Avromarin, It she Matlies, and P. Itzkhakov, include the poems Frunza Verda (1932), Untergang ("Doom," 1935), Undzer Like-Khame ("Our Solar Eclipse," 1947), Undzer Regnboygn ("Our Rainbow," 1948) and the novels Blondzhende Kayafn ("Straying Comedians," 1936); Der Tsurikgekumener ("The Returnee," 1952), In Eygenem Land ("In One's Own Land," 1952), Matilda Lebt ("Matilda Is Alive," 1954), Dzebelye (1955); Flora Ingber (1959) and Mayne Zibn Gute Yor ("My Seven Good Years," 1959). In addition, two novels, Di Kenign fun di Zumpn ("The Queen of the Swamps") and Der Elnter Dor ("The Lonely Generation") appeared in the New York daily Forverts. Perlov wrote many dramatic works, of which Goldene Zangen ("Golden Stalks," 1938), Abi Men Zet Zikh ("Only to See Each Other," 1939), and Blinde Pasazhirn ("Stowaways," 1939) were performed in Poland prior to World War ii. In 1959 he published his Yiddish translation of Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago. His collected works, edited by R. Ariel, appeared in Tel Aviv (1954).


lnyl, 7 (1968), 185–6.

[Yekhiel Szeintuch /

Tamar Lewinsky (2nd ed.)]

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