Odo of Cambrai, Bl.

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Also known as Odo of Tournai, bishop, philosopher, and theologian whose teaching at Toul and Tournai gave a new impetus to realism; b. Orléans, France, 1050; d. Abbey of Anchin, near Arras, June 19, 1113. He was chosen bishop of Cambrai in 1095. He introduced the cluniac reform into his monastery of saint-martin at Tournai. His principal work, De peccato originali, used an exaggerated realism to explain the transmission of original sin. Other extant writings, theological in nature, include a treatise on the Canon of the Mass, a dialogue with a Jew adducing philosophical reasons for Christ's coming, a short treatise on final impenitence, and a Gospel harmony.

Feast: June 19.

Bibliography: f. labis, "Le Bx. Odon, évêque de Cambrai ," Revue Catholique de Louvain 14 (1856) 445460, 519526, 574585. m. de wulf, Histoire de la philosophie en Belgique (Brussels 1910) 2432. É. amann, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant, 15 v. (Paris 190350; Tables générales 1951) 11.1:931935. c. dereine, "O. de Tournai et la crise du cénobitisme au XIe siècle," Revue du moyen-âge latin 4 (1948) 137154. t. gregory, "La Dottrina del peccato originale e il realismo platonico: O. di T.," Platonismo medievale: Studi e Richerche (Rome 1958) 3151.

[m. i. j. rousseau]

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