Mignot, Eudoxe Irénée

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French archbishop; b. Brancourt (Aisne), Sept. 20, 1842; d. Albi, March 18, 1918. After studying at Saint-Sulpice in Paris, he was ordained (1865) and acted as pastor in various parishes in the Soissons Diocese, until he became bishop of Fréjus (1890). From 1899 until 1918 he was archbishop of Albi. Mignot was much interested in intellectual problems, but his writings consist of essays, very similar in form to familiar conversations. He published an article in Le Correspondant (April 10, 1897) on "L'Évolutionnisme religieux" to criticize L'Esquisse d'une philosophic de la religion (1897) of Louis Auguste Sabatier. In Sabatier's manifesto of liberal Protestantism, Mignot discerned a natural philosophy "void of what has historically constituted the mystery of Jesus." Utilizing Leo XIII's teaching, Mignot addressed five Lettres sur les études ecclésiastiques (190001), to his clergy which were later reproduced in the Revue du Clergé français and then published as a separate volume (1908), along with his discourse on "La Méthode de la théologie," pronounced at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse (1901). Mignot held that reason was in accord with faith, and wanted theologians to be scientific and historically minded. His belief that Alfred loisy, in L'Évangile et l'Église, neglected oral tradition as the historical basis of faith led him to publish in Le Correspondant, "Critique et Tradition" (1904), "L'Église et la science" (1907), and "La Bible et les religions" (1907). These articles and two panegyrics were published in the volume L'Église et la critique (1910).

Mignot was a liberal and enlightened prelate who was prominent in the affairs of his day. After the separation of church and state, he promoted religious associations in accordance with civil law. In 1910 he was one of the very few bishops who supported the Sillon of Marc sangnier. His Mémoire envoyé au cardinal Ferrata, published in 1914 after Ferrata's death, revealed his eagerness to maintain contacts between the church and modern society and condemned integralism for its violent tactics. Mignot sought to spare Loisy from censure by Rome. Even after the heresiarch's condemnation, Mignot treated him benevolently and tried to keep him in the Church.

Bibliography: l. de lacger, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant et al., 15 v. (Paris 190350; Tables générales 1951) 10.2:174351. j. riviÈre, Le Modernisme dans l'Église (Paris 1929). È. lecanuet, L'Église de France sous la Troisième République, 4 v. (new ed. Paris 193031) v.24.

[j. daoust]

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