Mercy, Brothers of

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Officially known as the Brothers of Mercy of Montabaur (FMM, Official Catholic Directory #0810), dedicated to the care and nursing of those who are chronicallyill. The congregation was founded in Germany in 1856 by Peter Loetschert (182086) and four others. In 1861 the motherhouse was established at Montabaur, Germany. The order grew steadily and spread to Holland, where by 1902 there were five houses. In Germany, their 23 establishments (1930) were later reduced to nine, as a consequence of war and Hitler's religious persecutions. The Brothers of Mercy opened their first U.S. house in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1924. The U.S. provincialate is in Clarence, N.Y., a Buffalo suburb.

[w. g. young/eds.]

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