Magnericus of Trier, St.

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Archbishop; b. early sixth century; d. 596. He was from childhood a protégé of St. nicetius, whom he succeeded in the See of trier before 570. Like his young friend at Poitiers, Venantius fortunatus, he had a deep devotion to St. Martin of Tours, to whom he dedicated several churches and an abbey (in which Magnericus is buried). Through his pilgrimages to Tours he came to know Bp. gregory of tours. Magnericus died of a fever at an advanced age. Eberwin, abbot of St. Martin of Tours at Trier, included the verses Fortunatus had written to Magnericus in his copious Vita s. Magnerici. His disciples included gÉry of cambrai.

Feast: July 25.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum July 6:168192). Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis 2:514950. e. ewig, Trier im Merowingerreich (Trier 1954). a. butler, The Lives of the Saints (New York 1956) 3:188189.

[w. a. jurgens]

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