Magdalen Albrici, Bl.

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Augustinian; b. Como, Italy, end of 14th century; d. Brunate (near Como), May 13 or 15, 1465. When orphaned by the death of her parents, the nobly born and piously reared Magdalen entered the Convent of St. Andrew at Brunate. Admired for her many virtues, she was soon elected abbess there. Besides effecting the incorporation of the convent into the Augustinian Reform Congregation of Lombardy (see augustinian nuns), she promoted holiness among her nuns in many special ways, notably by encouraging frequent reception of Communion. Distinguished by her great charity, humility, and trust in God, she reputedly obtained miracles for others and at times foretold the future. She was beatified on Dec. 10, 1907.

Feast: May 13, 15, or 21.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum May 3:252261. g. b. melloni, Vita della beata Maddalena Albrici, nobile comasca dell'Ordine di S. Agostino (Bologna 1764). a. m. confalonieri, La beata Maddelena Albrici, badessa del convento di S. Andrea in Brunate (Como 1938). w. hÜmpfner, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10 v. (2d, new ed. Freiburg 195765) 6:1263. c. just, ibid. 126970.

[j. e. bresnahan]

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